For those who haven't read it, here is the blog article I am
interacting with in this post:
First, I want to say that I love Switchfoot; always have, ever
since The Legend of Chin. They are one of my favorite bands (although
their last few albums have been a little underwhelming). And I agree with some
of what Jon said, but much of it is very disappointing. I think there are some glaring
errors in his reasoning and I want to examine them in light of biblical
In my opinion Switchfoot has a very counter-cultural message,
which is great, and I have been impacted by many of their songs, however, I think
as Christians, we fail to realize that we get a lot more out of their music
than the average pagan. I’m not sure unbelievers are reading between the lines
like we are. With respect to the gospel, their lyrics are ambiguous at best.
I know that Switchfoot is involved with charities and I
commend them for that. I agree that how we live is very important. The person
who works 9-5 at some obscure job has the same responsibility to live for
Christ as the national music artist. Yet, whether we are in a famous band or we
are a butcher, baker, or candlestick-maker, we all have the same duty to preach
the gospel. This is what is missing from Jon’s response.
The question I have is: how is Switchfoot fulfilling the Great
Commission? Jon seems to be forwarding the notion that we are to “preach the
gospel, and if necessary, use words.” Nothing could be more unbiblical. Where
do you find this in Scripture? If Jesus and the Apostles took this approach, no
one would have ever heard gospel. The Great Commission is not a suggestion,
it’s a command. What does Paul say in Romans 10:14, 17?
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not
believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And
how are they to hear without someone preaching?” “So faith comes from hearing,
and hearing through the word of Christ.”
To the objection, “Just because I’m a Christian song writer
doesn’t mean all my songs should be about Jesus,” I would simply ask, why not?
Why? If you are a believer, why wouldn’t you want to sing about Him? I don’t
understand this thinking. Now I don’t mean you have to repeat the name Jesus
ten times in every song, no, but why wouldn’t you want to communicate the
life-changing power of the gospel? You have a huge platform. You can reach
millions of people. Why would you want to be ambiguous? Again, I would argue
that most unbelievers don’t know what Switchfoot is talking about in some of
their songs. Their lyrics could mean different things to different people. Sometimes
I’m not sure what they’re talking about myself. As Christians, shouldn’t we be
When it comes to popular bands, I think they should be especially
careful and clear because they are proclaiming a public message. They are in
the public eye. Whether it’s a rapper talking about money and drugs, or a
country artist singing about their ex-girlfriend, they are all preaching
something. They are communicating a message. What does that message say?
All Christians, musicians included, are called to share the
gospel and make disciples, but it seems like Jon Foreman is saying that’s not
the calling of Switchfoot, at least not musically. So I guess they’re exempt
from the Great Commission, or maybe it’s just their music that’s exempt, I
don’t know.
Further, I think the connection made between Bach and
Switchfoot is naïve. The difference between Bach and Switchfoot is the
difference between lyrical music and instrumental music. Most of Bach’s
compositions were instrumental, which is hard to classify as “Christian.” But
when there is lyrical content, that content can most certainly be classified as
Christian or non-Christian. What is the song about? What is the central
message? Does it comport with the teachings of Scripture? Does it communicate a
biblical worldview or biblical principles? What about Handel’s Messiah?
Is that Christian music or not? What about A Mighty Fortress is Our God,
or other great hymns of the faith? Don’t tell me there is no such thing as
Christian music! What about the song of Miriam in Exodus 15:21? What about
Mary’ song: The Magnificat, in Luke 1:46-55, or what about the Psalms of David?
How would you classify these? Look at what Paul said in Ephesians 5:19:
“speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from
the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Make music from
your heart to whom?
It’s ironic that he mentions Keith Green. Keith was radical.
All his songs were about Jesus. He was totally sold-out. You would never hear
Keith Green saying these things; trying to distance himself from “Christian”
Most importantly, the question that needs to be asked is: does
the music you are singing glorify God? This idea is also lacking from Jon
Foreman's comments. Aren’t we supposed to do everything to the glory of God?
Does Switchfoot’s music glorify Him, or is it just whatever Jon feels like
writing about? This is the mistake that musicians and artists tend to make.
They think they are somehow exempt from the biblical mandate. Sure they are
free to “express” themselves however they want, but wouldn't it be better to
focus your songwriting on the Lord Jesus? This is a systemic problem in the
lives of modern-day Christians. The glory of God is not paramount in their
C. S. Lewis is also a poor example, which does not help Jon's
case. No, Lewis’ fiction books do not overtly proclaim the gospel, but I would
argue that there are definite and deliberate parallels, but this is beside the
point, because his many non-fiction writings are clearly and profoundly
Christian in nature. Lewis has been hailed as one of the greatest Christian
thinkers of the 20th century. He didn’t hide behind the, “my writings
aren’t born again” argument; whatever that means. No, everyone knew where Lewis
stood. I’ve listened to Switchfoot since the beginning. I’ve seen their music
videos, and watched their concerts. Do their non-Christian fans know where they
Now I’m not trying to beat up on Switchfoot. I’m not going to
boycott their albums or anything stupid like that, I just think some of Jon’s
reasoning is flawed because I don’t see how it is biblically justifiable. Here
are some quotes I want to interact with.
"But judging from
scripture I can only conclude that our God is much more interested in how I
treat the poor and the broken and the hungry than the personal pronouns I use
when I sing."
Actually God is interested in both. He’s interested in both
our actions and our words.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer,” Psalm 19:14.
“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account
for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified,
and by your words you will be condemned,” Matt. 12:36-37.
These are sobering reminders that the personal pronouns we use
are in fact, very significant.
am a believer. Many of these songs talk about this belief. An obligation to say
this or do that does not sound like the glorious freedom that Christ died to
afford me."
Really? This isn't why Jesus died my friend. He died to free
us from our sins. We were slaves of sin, (John 8:34) and deserving of hell,
(Eph. 2:3). By His grace we are saved through faith, and now we are slaves of
Christ. We no longer live to do our own will but the will of the Master who
redeemed us. This doesn’t sound like the words of the Apostle Paul who called himself
a bondservant of Christ, Rom. 1:1, Gal. 1:10. It has nothing to do with confining
your lyrics to a box; freedom in Christ has to be contextualized. The Bible
speaks about freedom in Christ in different ways; freedom from sin (John 8:31-38)
and freedom from the works of the Law (Gal. 5:13). Read the context of
Galatians and you will see it has nothing to do with what Jon is talking about.
Yes, Jon, you are obligated. You are obligated to proclaim the gospel. And if
you have been given a public platform, you dare not shirk that responsibility.